Saturday, 3 April 2010

Final Render

It has been a long time in the making, but my video is finally finished! Below is the video, please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!

To view the full 720p HD Version of the video, click here.


I have spoken to a friend of mine who is a DJ at The Venue nightclub, Kel Sweeney, who has very kindly spoken with a producer about a soundtrack to my video.

We have spoken via email, the artist is called Emkay and the track we have decided on is called "Hands Up!!" It has a fantastic euphoric/rave/trace-like beat which I think fits in perfectly with the theme of the video.

Many thanks goes out to Kel and to Emkay for their suppport with my project, be sure to check out their websites below.

Render Notes

I am beginning the final render process, here are the settings I have decided on.

  • Renderer: Mental Ray for Maya
  • Raytracing: Reflections 2, Refractions 2, Max Trace Depth 4.
  • Anti-aliasing: Contrast 0.100.
  • Depth Map Shadows: On
  • Raytracing: On
I played around with some motion bur settings for the city scene and found that render times were VERY high. So I can only add motion blur to the intro and outro of the video.

DVD Cover Design

My project is to be submitted onto two DVDs for marking. Here are the designs I have come up with for the outer sleeves. Please note, we have been advised not to add adhesive labels to the top surface of the discs, that is why my discs are blank.

Night Time City Renders

Here are some renders of how my lighting is coming along in my Pioneer City.

Supervisor Meeting

Minutes of Supervisor Meeting:

David is very happy with progress so far.

My CDJ-2000 model is close to photorealistic, secret lies in the rendering. Modelling now complete
try IBL (image based ligthing) to texture and light the scene.

World is good, he said I shouldn't worry about modelling any more, again secret is in ligthing and rendering of the city to create a moody night-time scene.

Monday, 22 March 2010

World Renders

Here are a couple of renders from my world inside the CDJ2000. I have begun lighting the scene to create a night time effect. Video render will be posted next.

CDJ 2000 Renders

Here are some final renders of the CDJ 2000 model. Video to be posted shortly.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

World Model Progress

Here are some renders of how my city inside the CDJ-200 is coming along:

CDJ 2000 Renders

Here are some work in progress shots of how the model is coming along.